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Hands Down, the Best Customer Success Software

From coaching and giving feedback, to keeping the pulse on client concerns and pain points, Gong is a game-changer product for anyone in a go-to-market function—especially our friends in customer success. See what makes Gong Customer Success Software the best.

6 Reasons Why You Should Use Customer Success Management Software

Rather than tell you why Gong is the best customer success software, we asked customer success professionals from a variety of industries. Here’s the reasons they gave us:


Reason #1: Identify At-Risk Accounts Before They Churn

As good as your CSMs are at spotting churn risk, they’d need a third eye to stay on top of it for every single account. Gong customer retention management software automatically sifts through customer interactions to spot and flag risk indicators before they become a problem. Of course, the best hedge against churn is to develop a strong relationship with each customer. That means understanding pain points, business priorities, cross sell/upsell opportunities—any area in which the CSM can create value. Gong helps with that, too. 


Reason #2: Know How Expectations Were Set During the Sales Process

To be ready to go on day one, CSMs need visibility into everything that was discussed before contract signature. The problems the buyer is trying to solve. Their existing business processes. The role and priorities of any decision makers. Gong makes it easy for salespeople to share important interactions and call snippets with their counterparts in success. Likewise, CSMs can easily search all interactions for insights into the customer’s expectations. As a result, customers will spend a lot less time repeating themselves and a lot more time getting value out of their purchase.

Reason #3

Reason #3: Keep Close Tabs on the Renewal Pipeline

While CSMs technically aren’t salespeople, they do play a central role in renewal management. And renewal is selling, after all. Customers want to know: can you show me the kind of value that justified my coming back? Gong software helps CSMs prepare for these renewal conversations with a renewal and upsell deal board, so they can reach out to their account executives more productively. In a matter of minutes, the CSM will have a clear understanding of the last conversation the customer had, progress, renewal warnings (no activity in 14 days, for example), or red flags.

Reason #4

Reason #4: Disseminate the Right Messaging to the Entire Team

On a typical success team, lots of CSMs manage lots of customers. At scale, this creates a lot of opportunity for inconsistent messaging, which can degrade performance and contribute to churn. Gong helps CSMs roll out new messaging and track adoption across every interaction. Test new talk tracks, share snippets with team members, and even measure how often and effectively CSMs use target phrases. It’s a great way to keep the entire team abreast of best practices for their calls.

Reason #5

Reason #5: Build and Share the Winning Customer Success Playbook

Speaking of scale, most CSMs don’t have time for synchronous training. Instead, use Gong to create a library of call techniques, talk tracks, and best practices from your top performers. Share this playbook with new hires, for example, or as part of your coaching process. That way, CSMs can see what top performers are doing to improve their approach on their own time.

Reason #6

Reason #6: Never Miss a Follow-Up

Nothing sours a customer relationship like failing to follow through. But when you’re fielding dozens of calls a day, with dozens of different customers, it’s tough to remember everything you promised each customer. With Gong, CSMs can listen to calls and track down their follow-ups. Some follow-ups and action items, such as scheduling a meeting, Gong will do for you. Plus, you can quickly pull snippets to forward a customer’s questions or issues to the right teams for help.

Why Use Gong for Customer Success Software?


“The best customer success software. A must-have tool for CS.” 

“The time saved on note-taking and the ability to share customer conversations easily justifies the price.”

Those are just some of the words our satisfied CSMs have to say about Gong. Simply put, Gong takes the guesswork out of the customer relationship. It gives CSMs complete visibility into all customer conversations. That way, you can catch risk early, improve renewals and retention, while sharing best practices with the rest of the team. 

“It helps us provide additional value to our customers in ways we wouldn’t be able to if we weren’t able to go back and listen to our calls and our salespeople’s calls.”

Need we say more?

An Intelligent Approach to Customer Success Management Software

It’s all in the name: customer success is about helping customers maximize value after they sign on the dotted line. Gong is like an AI-powered ear to the ground, constantly listening, analyzing, and providing insights throughout the entire customer journey. Here’s what Gong customer success software can do:

Finesse the Handoff from Sales to Success

Because Gong captures and analyzes all customer interactions, your customer success team will know exactly what problems the customer was trying to solve, their current processes, and the decision maker’s priorities on day one. It’s amazing how smoothly things go when CSMs can quickly review the expectations that the sales team set long before.

Spot Churn Risk Early

CSMs are the eyes and ears of the customer relationship. If a customer is disengaging, or approaching at-risk territory, it’s usually a CSM that alerts the rest of the team. Gong software helps CSMs get out ahead of churn by spotting lead indicators of churn across the sales pipeline and customer database. That way the entire team can proactively find a solution and retain at-risk accounts.

Coach the Customer Success Team at Scale

Every customer success manager would love to be on every call. Few have that kind of time. With Gong, you can coach CSMs without having to be on the call with them. Gong will analyze interactions for coachable metrics, such as talking vs. listening, time of call, and the use of particular phrases. Success managers can even build libraries of successful call snippets to share with other CSMs.

How Gong’s Customer Success Software Works

Gong captures customer interactions, analyzes them for useful insights, then helps CSMs apply those learnings to determine the next best action. Your CSMs will have a clear picture of the conversation customers had during each stage, so they have everything they need to set each customer up for success.

step 1

A Clear View of All Customer Interactions

Gong records and organizes every interaction for every account. That way, the customer success team can go back and listen to specific conversations, search for specific phrases, and share snippets with other team members.

step 2

Actionable Insights Powered by AI

Gong’s powerful AI analyzes your entire database to extract the insights that matter most to CSMs. This includes risk indicators, follow-ups, and useful call metrics—all the data-backed intelligence they need to nurture the customer relationship and drive retention.

step 3

The Latest and Greatest for Go-To-Market Teams

Go from reactionary to proactive for your success team’s GTM model. Proactively test and refine your strategy so the customer success team always has the latest and greatest strategy for putting customers in position to succeed.

See Gong in action

So Much More Than Customer Success Software

CSMs have to be product experts, diplomats, and strategic thinkers. They need soft skills and hard metrics. And they need the ability to gauge account health and switch things up when necessary. Gong puts all the insight CSMs need in one place so they know exactly which hat they need to be wearing.


Use the deal board and customer health metrics to see exactly what’s working and what isn’t.


Save time and be confident in your next step thanks to automated data-backed insights.


Transfer knowledge and enable better collaboration, especially between CSMs and their counterparts in sales.

See All That Customer Success Software Can Do

Our mantra? Fewer opinions, more data and intelligence. Join the thousands of success leaders who say the same thing.

What the Customer Success Pros Say About Gong

I like the comprehensiveness of Gong. I can use it for many customer success use cases such as portfolios view. Also, like the integration with Salesforce and Churnzero.

The Metrics and Stats function is imperative for being the best customer success manager you could be. Having everything from patience, topics, and question rate has been helpful to my future calls with my accounts.

I love being able to have my meetings/calls recorded and go back for quality assurance. It assists me with making sure I’m hitting all of my points for customer success.

It’s helped with our sales team and customer success team’s ongoing training. This was a challenge in the past as team members had to schedule a time to manually go over each part of the training with each new hire.


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Customer Success Software FAQs

You asked. Gong answered.

What is customer success software?auto dialer software?

We classify customer success software as any solution that supports the efforts of the CS team. That said, Gong flips the script a bit by bringing far deeper intelligence and automation to the table, compared to other solutions. Gong AI sifts through all of your customer interactions for data points, metrics, trends, and other insights. You can use this data to support a number of CS-specific activities:

  • Coaching (e.g., better QBRs, expansion and upsell, rapport building)
  • Training and onboarding
  • Tracking talk time and interactivity level
  • Share customer conversations 
  • Automated note taking
  • Issue escalation and response
  • Customer health tracking
How does Gong’s customer success software work?

Gong tracks and analyzes the interactions that CSMs have with customers on a daily basis. This gives your team a scalable, searchable catalog of conversation history, snippets, action items, and coaching opportunities. Gong also automates note taking and certain follow-ups so that your CSMs never miss a beat.

Why should you use customer success software?

Lots of reasons! We talk to many customer success managers who use Gong to automatically capture and organize their task lists, for one. Call analysis helps CSMs go back to pinpoint the key pain points the customer may be experiencing, or where the CSM could work on their messaging. And managers can catalog, categorize, and share the behaviors they want to see replicated across their team. In short, customer success software helps you deliver an even more valuable experience for your customers.

Why should you use customer success software?

With Gong Connect auto dialer software, you’ll be able to do the following:

  1. Follow our on-boarding process to easily set up the software and connect your phone number
  2. Search & select a CRM contact from the Gong mobile app
  3. Place outbound VOIP calls directly from within the app
  4. Cancel and delete the recording during the call
  5. Mute, use speaker, and use the keypad
  6. Find recent calls easily to redial
Does Gong integrate with Gainsight?

The Gong integration for Gainsight works with Gainsight NXT, or Gainsight CS Salesforce Edition. The integration offers a few distinct advantages for CSMs:

  • Visibility and context
  • Reality-based insights 
  • Call data, analysis, and metrics
  • Task automation
  • Customer journey insights
Does Gong integrate with Zendesk?

Yes, Gong integrates with Zendesk. You can use this integration to create support tickets directly from support tickets. That way, you take action on a customer’s issues or concerns right away. The integration includes a link in the ticket pointing to the call snippet in which the issue is discussed, too, so that your colleagues in sales, IT, and support will hear the issue described in the customer’s own words.

Time for a More Intelligent Approach to Customer Success

Look, we could talk about Gong all day (it’s kind of what we do). Why not see it for yourself? Book a demo and we’ll be happy to take you on a test drive.